The following table lists some of the common problems encountered in machining operations. While it can be very helpful in indentifying the source of many problems, nothing replaces running a "sweet-spot test" for rapidly determining the optimum combination of machining parameters.
Problem |
Cause |
Solution |
Chipping |
- Feed rate too high
- Up milling (conventional)
- Cutting edge too sharp
- Chattering
- Loose tool
- Workpiece rigidity
- Tool rigidity
- Low cutting speed
- Loose toolholder
Reduce feed rate
Change to down milling (climb)
Hone cutting edge or allow break-in
Reduce RPM
Remove, clean, and retighten
Tighten workpiece holding method
Shorten LOC, place shank further up holder
Increase RPM
Remove from spindle, clean and replace
Wear |
- High cutting speed
- Low feed rate
- Up milling (conventional)
- Hard material
- Poor chip evacuation
- Improper cutter helix
Reduce RPM
Increase feed rate
Change to down milling (climb)
Use coated tool
Reposition coolant lines, use air blasting
Change to recommended helix angle
Breakage |
- Excessive spindle TIR
- Feed rate too high
- Depth of cut too large
- Poor tool rigidity
- Tool wear
- Poor chip evacuation
Reduce feed rate
Reduce depth of cut
Shorten LOC, place shank further up holder
Replace/regrind sooner
Use air blasting
Chattering |
- Speed and feed too high
- Poor toolholder rigidity
- Poor spindle rigidity
- Workpiece rigidity
- Relief angle too high
- Depth of cut too large
- Poor tool rigidity
Reduce feed rate
Replace with shorter/more rigid holder
Use larger spindle or different machine tool
Tighten workpiece holding method
Regrind with smaller relief angle
Reduce depth of cut
Shorten LOC, place shank further up holder
Short Life |
- Non-optimum combination of feed and speed
- Cutter/workpiece friction
- Hard material
- Poor material condition
- Improper cutter angle
- Use coated tool
- Use coated tool
- Use coated tool, clean material surface
- Regrind with proper primary relief angle
Chip Packing |
- Feed rate too high
- Low cutting speed
- Insufficient chip room
- Reduce feed rate or increase speed
- Increase RPM or reduce feed rate
- Use tool with less flutes, increase
Poor Surface Finish |
- Feed rate too high
- Low cutting speed
- Tool wear
- Edge build up
- Depth of cut too large
- Chip welding
- Reduce feed rate
- Increase RPM
- Replace or regrind tool
- Increase RPM, switch to higher helix
- Reduce depth of cut
- Increase volume of coolant
Burring or Workpiece Chipping |
- Excessive spindle TIR
- Tool wear
- Improper helix angle
- Feed rate too high
- Depth of cut too large
- Replace or regrind tool
- Change to recommended helix angle
- Reduce feed rate
- Reduce depth of cut
Workpiece Inaccuracy |
- Loose/worn toolholder
- Poor toolholder rigidity
- Poor spindle rigidity
- Insufficient number of flutes
- Tool deflection
- Repair or replace
- Replace with shorter/more rigid
- Use larger spindle or different machine
- Use tool with higher flute quantity
- Shorten LOC, place shank further up