Creating Online Quotes
Creating on-line quotes, including shipping, is quite straightforward using the following procedure.
- Using the various product pages and application sheets, select the items that you are interested in and add them to the shopping cart
- After entering the first item, you will be asked to input your postal code. This will enable the cart to acquire a shipping estimate from UPS or FedEx. After you enter your entire address during checkout, this estimate may be adjusted to cover any special circumstances.
- After entering your postal code, click on
to view the cart.
- Once you have added everything you want, take time to review the list to make sure that the item descriptions and the quantities match what you need.
- Please note that, for many of our tools, buying a full 10-pack will get you a 9% discount, almost like getting a free bit.
- After your review is complete, it is time to Select Your Payment Option. In this case, since you are only creating a price quote, click on
- This will take you to the "User Registration" page.
- If you are an existing, registered user, enter your username and password and click on
- If you are a new user, and would like to register, click on
- If you do not wish to register, click on
- You will be directed to the "Customer Information" page where you will enter your billing AND shipping information.
- If you are already a registered customer, verify that your billing information is correct and select your shipping address from the drop down Shipping Address box on the right. Also verify that the shipping address is correct, especially the state/province and the counntry fields. You would be surprised how many orders we get with the wrong country listed.
- You MUST enter a legitimate e-mail address. This is where your quote will be sent after you finish your order!
- On the bottom of this page you will find the "Payment Information" section.
- For the payment type, select "Online Quote" (last item on the left, just click on the radio button)
- In the "Security Code" field, type the word "Quotes".
- This will by-pass the credit card / PayPal verification and allow you to proceed to the final step.
- If necessary, enter any extra information in the "Special Instructions" text box.
- Review the information that you entered one last time and click on
at the bottom of the page.
- This page gives you one last chance to review the contents of your cart and your shipping / billing information. If you find ANY errors, click on
to make the necessary changes.
- If everything is correct, select your shipping type from the table and click on
- The last page will display your Order / Quote number. A copy of your quote will be automatically e-mailed to you.
If you need any help with this process, please contact Sales at +1 (719)-488-9640 or e-mail us at: sales@