CNC router bits and carbide cutting tools with tutorials and technical guides

New Cutting Tool Development Process

Before any tool is released for sale, it undergoes a rigorous three step process.  This process ensures tools you buy are custom fit to your application.

Step 1 Needs Analysis

First, we listen to our customers.  Going to trade shows, visiting individual shops and participating in on-line forums lets our customers drive new tool development and the improvement of existing designs.  Customer input includes application specifics, what materials are being cut, the types of machines and bits being used, the speeds (RPM) and feed rates needed, and the issues that are causing them to look for new tools.

Step 2 Design and Development

Next, we analyze the feedback received, then design and develop the new bit geometry.  This process often requires several iterations with each undergoing internal testing for durability, hardness, speed, and precision.

Step 3 Testing

Finally, new bits are sent to our independent testers.  These are craftsmen in the field who use these tools on a daily basis.  Their job is to certify our new tools for production use and to report any problems that they encounter  The bits are tested for their intended use with a variety of machine and material types.  For example, many of our testers use ebony as their testing medium.  Detailed results are fed back to us (often including the used bits and sample materials for microscopic analysis).  This feedback is then analyzed to determine a "go" or "no go" decision.  If the results are not favorable, the bits are send back to the Design and Development stage for further engineering.